Friday 19 February 2021

Six Ghanaians arrested in America for laundering more than $50 million in cyber fruad

- Six Ghanaians have been arrested in the United States of America for their involvement in cyber fraud

 - The six have been charged for laundering more than $50 million

 - They were arrested in different states at different times

Six Ghanaians have been arrested in the United States of America for their involvement in cyber fraud. The six; Farouk Appiedu, Fred Asante, Celvin Freeman, Lord Aning, Sadick Edusei Kissi, and Faisal Ali have been charged for laundering more than $50 million. The Federal Bureau of Investigation,(FBI) says four of the accused had between them controlled more than 45 bank accounts in which more than $50 million had been deposited.

Six Ghanaians arrested in America for laundering more than US$50 million in cyber fraud

The $50 million had been deposited between 2013 and 2020. According to a report sighted by, the six were arrested in different states at different times. Freeman and Ali were arrested in New Jersey, Asante and Aning arrested in Virginia, Appiedu was arrested in Queens, while Kissi was arrested in Fargo, North Dakota.

Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and a host of others announced the arrests of the six for charges in connection with their roles in a fraud and money laundering conspiracy based in Ghana involving the theft of tens of millions of dollars. The crimes perpetrated by the Enterprise consisted of frauds, business email compromises, romance scams, and fraud schemes related to the novel coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. The court document added that the objective of the Enterprise’s fraud scheme was to trick and deceive businesses into wiring funds into accounts they controlled. This was easier as members of the Enterprise created slight variations of email accounts used by employees of a victim company or third parties engaged in business with a company to impersonate them. A vast majority of the deposits consisted of large wire transfers and cheque or cash deposits from various US-based individuals and entities, the statement added.

Monday 15 February 2021

What is love?

 Love is a set of emotions and behaviours characterized by intimacy, passion, and commitment. It involves care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust.

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 Love can vary in intensity and can change over time

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Photo by Adom 106.3 fm in Accra, Ghana.

Fella Makafui's hot Valentine's Day photos get medikal mad

Fella Makafui's hot Valentine's Day photos get Medikal shouting

 - Fella Makafui and her husband Medikal are all over each other as they celebrate Valentine's day

 - The actress shared a fine Val's Day photo and Medikal could not resist but to shower love on her

 - The rapper later shared more Val's Day photos of his wife and she also took to the comment section to return the love.

It is Valentine's Day once again and people around the world are expressing their affection for their loved ones in diverse ways. Young celebrity couple, actress Fella Makafui and rapper Medikal have not been left out of the celebration of love. The wife and husband have fully participated in the show of love in what is their first Val's Day as a married couple with the rapper drooling over his wife.

Too bad for Mahama, Tsatsu Tsikata didn't anticipate our strategy> Akoto Ampaw

The First and second respondents in the election petition trial have said they would not call any witnesses 

- According to them, the petitioner’s case was not proven beyond reasonable doubt 

- But, veteran legal luminary, Tsatsu Tsikata, objected to the move and applied to reopen his case.

Akoto Ampaw on Monday, February 15, 2021, told the Supreme Court that had lawyers for John Mahama “thought through fully” the case of the respondents, they would have anticipated they would not call witnesses. He made the remarks when he was arguing against the application the former president filed through his lawyers to reopen his case.

Too bad for Mahama, Tsatsu Tsikata didn’t anticipate our strategy - Akoto Ampaw

Too bad for Mahama, Tsatsu Tsikata didn’t anticipate our strategy - Akoto Ampaw Photo credit: Kojo Oppong Nkrumah Source: Facebook

Tsatsu Tsikata, the lead counsel for Mahama in the ongoing 2020 election petition trial informed the court on Thursday, February 12, 2021, that he wished to reopen the former president’s case to subpoena the chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC) Jean Mensa into the witness box for cross-examination.

“If they had thought through fully the case of the respondents, they would have known that this was very likely to happen because right from the beginning of filing our answers, we had served notice to them and the court that we think that they didn’t have any case for us to be even heard,” Ampaw stated. “So, they must have had notice that it was likely if they fail to lead sufficient evidence that we would not adduce any evidence and consistent with our original and primary position, we would ask the court to determine the matter on the evidence before it,” he added.

According to him, the truth of what transpired in the Electoral Commission’s (EC) Strong Room was essential to the case, and “that is what we want Jean Mensa to come and testify.” "She gave glory and honour to God after her declaration on 9th December 2020. My Lords, the chairperson [Jean Mensah] should come out to testify and to honour the God she claimed she serves," Tsikata told the court when he was a presentation to the court his application to reopen the former president’s case. 


 Eratosthenes was born in Cyrene, Greece (which is now in the country of Libya) in about 276 B.C.E. Although he was best known as a Greek mathematician, in addition, he was also a scientist, and poet, astronomer, and geographer. Eratosthenes studied philosophy and mathematics in Athens when he was younger. As time passed his research became known and Eratosthenes began to make a name for himself, Ptolemy III especially noticed this and called him to Alexandria, Egypt for two main reasons. The first reason was to tutor his son and the second was to be the librarian for the Library of Alexandria


This library contained almost a million books in the form of scrolls, lecture rooms, and meeting halls and would be classified today as a university. Eratosthenes is said to have committed suicide by voluntary starvation in 255 B.C.E. Though little remains of his original work, Eratosthenes is credited with two major discoveries: the measurement of the size of the Earth and his sieve for finding prime numbers.


Prime numbers are numbers that can only be divisible wholly by themselves and by 1. Eratosthenes’ sieve is still used today in mathematical research to find prime numbers. He discovered that if all natural numbers were written down from 2 to infinity and every other number after 2 was removed, then the multiples of 3 were then removed, and it was continued with the next available number and so on, it would leave a list of prime numbers. This could then be used to find primes for any limit needed.



During the longest day of the year, Eratosthenes noticed there were no shadows upon the walls of Syene, a city just south of Alexandria, due to the Sun being directly above the city at this time of day. Since he noticed that there were shadows in Alexandria, which was just north of Syene, he figured that there was a correlation between the angle of the shadows and the circumference of the Earth. He did this under the assumption that the Sun was so far away that its rays were parallel and that the Earth was a sphere. Eratosthenes then used his knowledge of the angles of the rays/shadows falling on Alexandria and Syene along with the distance between the two cities to calculate the circumference of the Earth.

Eratosthenes calculated the Earth’s circumference as approximately 250,000 stadia, which is converted to approximately 25,000 miles (~40,233.6 km). Currently, the circumference of the Earth is known as 40,075 km meaning that his approximation back then is within 1% accuracy to the actual value of the circumference of the Earth. His findings were a huge advance in a time when the Earth was not perceived as a spherical object.



How I Survived an Awkward Family Dinner with My Humor Intact

  The battle began at the Myrtle Beach Costco. I was steering a shopping cart with enough food to stock a doomsday bunker when I spotted a b...