Showing posts with label ARTICLES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ARTICLES. Show all posts

Monday 11 July 2022

20 Ways To Get Traffic and Promote Your Blog

20 Ways To Get Traffic and Promote Your Blog

Ways To Get Traffic and Promote Your Blog


Getting more people to read your blog is both an art and science. Employ these 20 tips on how to get your blog noticed.

Every business owner who's ever hosted a blog has experienced the frustration of trying to gain a readership. Though we’d all like it if readers just magically came to us, the reality is, that it takes some work to build an audience.

It’s easy to get frustrated and just give up on blogging, but once you experience the benefits, you'll understand that your blog can have a tremendous impact on your business by attracting traffic to your site, helping you build a social media audience and making an impression on prospects and clients alike.

Following are 20 proven strategies that can help you boost readership and increase traffic to your blog.

1. Write more.
Studies show that the more often you update your blog, the more traffic it will receive. Google gives higher priority to websites with fresh content, so if you want to get more attention from the search engines, update your blog at least twice a week.

2. Promote with social media.
Share each new blog post across your social media networks, including Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest. If you spend time cultivating your networks and sharing great content, social media sites can become some of your top traffic sources.

3. Write better titles.
The titles for your blog posts are almost more important than the content itself. That's because titles help potential readers decide whether they should click and read more. Pay attention to the article titles you see on magazine covers. They entice readers with promises and solutions. When you do the same, your readership will increase.

4. Know your niche
While you may be interested in sea life, exotic travel destinations, Little League baseball and weight loss, you'll confuse your audience if your content doesn’t follow a clear theme. Decide who your target audience is, what they want to read and what specific messages you want to convey.

5. Include photos.
Studies have shown that photos in blog posts boost readership. Not only does a photo make the post more visually appealing, but you can also include keywords in the Alt Image tag on the photo, boosting search engine optimization (SEO) for your site. Keep in mind that you can’t just pull any photo from Google because you risk violating copyright laws. Instead, locate royalty-free images from a site like

6. Incorporate keywords.
Speaking of SEO, keywords are at the heart of SEO. One of the easiest ways to generate more traffic to your website is to ensure that every page on your site has a keyword strategy. So for each blog post you write, choose one key phrase that you believe readers would use to find that post. Next, incorporate that phrase into the title of the post, the headline on the page, within the content on the page at least two times, in a featured image on the page and also as part of the page link. Keyword concentration helps Google understand what that page is about, which can ultimately lead to more traffic from the search engines.

7. Incorporate links.
When you mention another company’s product or service in a blog post, include a link to that company’s page. Not only does Google like to see outbound links on your site, but the company you mention may also notice your post and link back to you. Plus, readers appreciate it when you provide resources to make it easier for them to find the things they're looking for.
8. Add social sharing buttons.

At the top and bottom of your blog posts, make sure you include social sharing buttons for Twitter, LinkedIn and the other major social networks. Make it easy for readers to spread the word.

9. Retweet past content.
We aren’t all looking at Twitter simultaneously, so when you share a new blog post link, most of your fan base won’t see it the first time. Repeat your tweets, and don’t be afraid to share past content. Readers don’t care when it was written as long as it’s still relevant.

10. Invite guest contributors.
When others write for your blog, you add more content that you didn’t have to write yourself. As a bonus, those contributors will also share with their networks and may ask you to write for them, opening up new readership avenues for you.

11. Add video.
Google owns YouTube, which is one of the many reasons that videos can drive more traffic to your site. Supplement the written content on your blog with short videos that are informative and entertaining.

12. Invest in the promotion.
If you believe your audience is spending time on Facebook, occasionally invest in sponsored posts. For as little as $10, you can “Boost” a post and increase its reach significantly.

13. Conduct give-away events.
Create fun theme days such as “Free Book Fridays” where your readers can win prizes by submitting a comment or sharing your link via social media. You can provide prizes yourself or invite companies to donate or sponsor these promotions.

14. Write guest posts.
Locate other blogs that reach your target audience, and offer to contribute guest blog posts. If the site has a substantial audience, you can bet that readers will want to engage with more of your content.

15. Cross-promote to your mailing list.
Instead of writing all new content for your electronic newsletter, share the first paragraph from several recent blog posts and include a link to continue reading on the site. Not everyone is taking the time to read your blog each week, so this will help get your subscribers invested in your blog.

In addition to the tips above, the following smart strategies will also help increase readership:

16. Make your content easy to read by using plenty of subheads, bullets and numbered lists.

17. Promote your blog in your email signature and your bio in any online profiles.

18. Make it easy for blog visitors to subscribe to your RSS feed.

19. Invite readers to leave a comment, then respond and let them know you’re engaged.

20. Finally, have fun with your blog. If it feels like drudgery, your readers will notice. But if you enjoy producing the content, that will come across and have a tremendous impact on your success

Monday 4 July 2022

Food Recipe Hacks.


Delicious Escapes: Monsoon Food Recipe Hacks!

The delicious breakfast recipes. Soon going to be the heart and show stealer.

The great monsoon is already here!

Before we tell you how we will help you on this blog, are you the sole decision-maker of what goes inside the stomach of your family members? Then, you are at the right place. Here, we are with the suggestions to make healthy food recipes in under 10 minutes. Are you excited to know how even the green veggies can turn out to be an amazing alternative, especially when the entire family is holidaying….

Tasty food

Universal rule for all the below listed recipes-

Time took: 10 minutes

Quantity: Depends on the number of members

Avocado toast

Goodness of health and taste

Delicious Avocado toast

Avocado might be a favourite and might not but it comes loaded with goodness and health benefits. Teaming it up with exciting and savoury ingredients is a great idea always. And yes, how can we forget the fast-food effect for your kids when the toast is added. I think you can do a toast for this toast (just kidding…). We have got the recipe for this wonder food sorted for you in a much better way than you can imagine:

Master this process:

  1. Toast the slices Of the bread you prefer (whole wheat/Brown bread/ Multigrain).
  2. While it is still in the process, scoop out the flesh of the Avocado, and mash it with a spoon or fork. You may go ahead and use ingredients like pepper, mint leaves, Lemon juice etc, whatever suits your/ your family’s taste buds.
  3. Once the toasts are ready, top It up with the avocado mash and serve with juice or a warm cup of milk.
  4. You will feel like a winner when you get it right and everyone loves the taste with the twist of health added to it.  

Breakfast Cookies

Delicious escapes with cookies

Spread health and love through cookies.

What is a better way to start your day than with a recipe which spreads the love? And obviously when, as the title talks, we are talking about cookies here. But wait, this is with a twist. Why don’t you give it a try?

Master this process:

  1. Preheat the oven to 325°F. Line up the baking sheet.
  2. In a bowl beat peanut butter, vanilla extract (a nearby grocery store is a place you need to go to), mashed bananas, cinnamon, and salt together.
  3. Add oats and dried nuts to the beaten mixture.
  4. Scoop little mounds of the cookies and place them evenly on the baking sheet. (*Tip: flatten each cookie slightly and bake for 14 to 16 minutes until they are golden and soft. Take it out and let it cool).
  5. Serve with a glass of juice, milk, and a cup of tea/ coffee.
  6. Wave at your family like a champion when you come out with the love in the tray.

Beetroot pav bhaji

Food Recipe Hacks.

Really? Yes. Beetroot can be fun as well as the healthiest bite of the day. This recipe gives you the freedom to hide as many veggies as possible, which makes it an excellent dish. This will be the most awesome dose of health for you and your family. And when it is in the form of a pav bhaji, nobody will dare to reject this recipe of yours.

Master this process:

  1. Cook the vegetables you want to put in a pressure cooker for 7 minutes(3-4 whistles).
  2. Mash cooked vegetables in a bowl and keep them aside. Heat oil in a shallow pan
  3. Add cumin seeds (jeera) and let it crackle(½ – 1 minute). Some chopped onion and let it turn translucent (slight white)
  4. Top it up with capsicum and fry for 2 minutes. Add peas and fry for 2 minutes
  5. Now add tomatoes and fry for two minutes. Put salt and pav bhaji masala and let it cook on medium flame.
  6. Keep mashing the ingredients in the pan into a fine paste
  7. Once you find the oil separates from the gravy, you can pat yourself on the back because it’s going to taste wonderful



Peanut Butter Sandwich:

Delicious breakfast recipe

Mouthwatering peanut butter sandwich.

Oh my my! Peanut butter is heaven and marrying it with cheese. Do you have a word to describe this heavenly dish? Of course, you will be able to while gulping it in in the form of a sandwich. It is an experience that can only be felt once the heavenly cheese and peanut butter melt together in your mouth creating a cosmic affair.

Here is how to cook a delicious peanut butter sandwich:

  1. Place the griller or tawa over medium heat. Place the slices of bread (Whole Wheat, Multigrain, Brown) on the griller or Tawa.
  2. Spread peanut butter on the sky-facing side of the bread. In like manner, top it with a slice of cheese. Add the ingredients which you love like: tomatoes, oregano, other herbs, pepper etc. etc. Cover it with the other slice of bread and close the griller or put the lid on the Tawa.
  3. Grill/ Cook until golden and delicious cheese melts.

Bread pizza

Food Recipe Hacks.

Fascinating? Ever had burgerizza in Dominos? Yes, a little brother of the burger pizza made with bread. So Bread+ Pizza= Breadizza! Whoohoo..what do you think about this cool name? Do not forget to tell us in the comment section below. By the way, here is the way to make this too simple recipe that no one can deny on their plate.

Master this recipe:

  1. Heat a Tawa or a pan. Make sure the base of the utensil is heavy (Thick). Using a heavy base will keep your bread pizza from being extra cooked or in some cases, burnt.
  2. Use Olive oil/ Butter(according to your preference). Place the slices of bread (two-three slices at once). Heating or toasting of the bread a little (Just golden from the base). Turn it over.
  3. On the toasted side of the slices, spread pizza sauce. Mozzarella/ Pizza cheese and the ingredients which you want to see on your bread pizza (Oregano, dried basil leaves, chopped tomatoes, Steamed corn kernels, chopped olives, chopped onion, chopped capsicum, sauteed mushrooms, sauteed spinach etc)

Friday 1 July 2022

Amazing World Records Set By Indians

7 Guinness World Records India achieved so far

Indians are a talented bunch of people. They are second to none in a lot of fields, be it technology, medicine, sports or business. The same goes for holding unique Guinness World Records. From creepy eye-popping record to the longest domino effect, the sky is the limit for people who want their names to go down the history for their weirdest of talents. Here are some of the quirky & bizarre world records held by Indians.

World’s Longest Dosa

7 Guinness World Records India achieved so far

The 53-ft-long dosa was prepared by a team of 32 chefs who used 80 kg of flour,30 kg of pure ghee and 300 kg of cooking gas to make it in just 10 minutes. They broke their own record, which was previously a 32-feet long dosa in 2006. Before that, they even held the record in 1997 for preparing a 25-feet long dosa.

World’s smallest woman

7 Guinness World Records India achieved so far

Nagpur based Jyoti Amge (23 years) who is known to be the smallest woman in the world, is only 61.95 centimetres or about 2 feet in height. Before this, Jyoti also got the title of the smallest teenager in the world. She was declared the world’s smallest woman after being measured by Dr Manoj at Pahuk Wockhardt hospital in Nagpur India in 2011.

World’s largest biryani

7 Guinness World Records India achieved so far

Sixty Indian chefs cooked a rice dish weighing 13-tonne (28,600 pounds) and set the world record for the largest Biryani. 12,000 kilos of rice and vegetables went into preparing the world’s largest Biryani dish on March 1, 2008. Three cranes dumped 3,000 kilos of Basmati rice, 85 kilos of chilli peppers, 1,200 litres of oil and 3,650 kilos of vegetables into a giant vat at a New Delhi sports stadium.

World’s largest poster

7 Guinness World Records India achieved so far

Baahubali: The Beginning broke the opening weekend box office record in India in 2015 with $25.6 million. According to Guinness World Records, the poster has an area of 4,793.65 square meters or 51,598.4 square feet. It trumpets the movie’s star, Telugu actor Prabhas, as well as the name of the director, acclaimed blockbuster-maker S. S. Rajamouli.

World’s longest moustache

7 Guinness World Records India achieved so far

Ram Singh here holds the Guinness World Record for the world’s longest moustache, which hangs at a whopping 18.5 feet long. 63-year-old Ram from Jaipur in India has been growing his moustache since 1970 and spends two hours every day grooming it to ensure its continued growth – but he only washes it once a fortnight. It was measured on the set of the Italian TV show “Lo Show Dei Record” in Rome, Italy, on 4 March 2010.

World’s largest turban

7 Guinness World Records India achieved so far

A 60-year-old man from Patiala, Punjab, Avtar Singh Mauni, holds the record for the longest turban in the world. The turban weighs 100 pounds and stretches as long as 645 metres. Wondering how long it takes him to get ready every morning? Six hours! A strongly devout Nihang, Avtar Singh says he started wearing a 150m long turban and gradually started trying a 365m turban until it reached the size of 645m. He cannot get inside a car with a heavyweight, so he usually travels across the city on his motorcycle.

Largest gathering of Santa Clause

7 Guinness World Records India achieved so far

The largest gathering of Santa Claus was achieved during an event organised by Thrissur Citizenry & Thrissur Archdiocese for Buon Natale Programme 2014 at Nagar Saktan Thampuran Ground, Thrissur, Kerala, India, on 27 December 2014. A total of 18112 people were present for the gathering. The previous record of the largest gathering of Santa Clauses was in Ireland on December 9, 2007.

Thursday 30 June 2022

tips for taking care of your dog

5 tips for taking care of your dog

puppy dog

Anyone who has ever had a pet wishes just one thing – that their pet lives a healthy life. Your dog will offer your family years of unconditional love and loyalty — as long as you provide him with food, shelter, responsible care, and love in return.

Here are 5 tips on how to take utmost care of your dog. The more you know, the more you will be confident in providing a safe space for your pet.

Give your dog an identification tag

tips for taking care of your dog

Giving your dog an ID tag is the first thing you should do once you get a dog.
Dogs can sometimes get out of their backyard or house and might need a little help getting back home. If you give your dog an identification tag, it’ll greatly increase the chance of you getting your dog back. You can also give your dog a chip so that it would be easier to recognize the owner in case your dog goes missing.

Feed a high-quality diet

tips for taking care of your dog

Us humans tend to take good care of our diet. So why not do the same with your pet? Obesity is one nutritional disease that can be seen in many dogs. Studies have shown that being overweight or obese can shorten a dog’s life span by as much as two years. Fresh water should also be made available to your dog every time.

Take your dog to the vet regularly

tips for taking care of your dog

The key to maintaining a very good relationship with your dog is to take proper care of him or her. Your veterinarian will provide you with information on vaccination schedules, deworming and external parasite control. A routine checkup of your pet will help in detecting any illness or disease before it’s too late. In many cases, an early diagnosis improves the chances of successful treatment. Your vet can also point out areas where your dog may need some extra care, such as cleaning his ears, helping him with anxiety, or even providing general training and obedience tips.

Train your dog

tips for taking care of your dog

A training session with a proper trainer is a good way to begin instructing your dog. The better the dog is following basic instructions, the more it will be aware of what to do and what not to do. This will also allow your dog to socialize with other dogs. You will also have good control of your dog with the right training.

Spend time with your dog

tips for taking care of your dog

Dogs need to interact with their owners regularly. Having a good time will help you get to know your dog better. Always keeping the dog fenced won’t help in the long run. So the more you spend your time with your dog, the better the relationship between you and your dog. Even though dogs can’t talk, they do express their feelings with their faces. So be prepared as to why your dog is reacting to a certain situation.

affordable foods that are rich in nutrients


5 affordable foods that are rich in nutrients

affordable foods that are rich in nutrients

Nutrients are essential for your body. Having the perfect nutrient-rich dishes also come at a cost – they can become quite expensive. This is why people opt for some cheap junk food instead. Everything that we eat tastes good and also contains a lot of nutrients, but some of them may also contain unnecessary fat.

This article takes a look at 5 affordable, nutritious foods and their health benefits.


affordable foods that are rich in nutrients

Eggs are one of the most nutrient-rich foods on the planet. They are cheap and one large egg contains 6 grams of protein. They are also full of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. Eggs are also good for weight loss since the egg whites don’t contain any excess fats in them. Given their range of nutrients and powerful health benefits, quality eggs may be among the healthiest foods on the planet.


affordable foods that are rich in nutrients

Bananas come cheap and they are full of some important vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium and manganese. Bananas also provide a decent amount of fibre, which may benefit digestive health, promote weight loss and protection against diabetes. Consuming moderate amounts of bananas should be safe for people with diabetes, but they may want to avoid eating large amounts of bananas that are fully ripe.

Peanut Butter

affordable foods that are rich in nutrients

Peanut butter not only contains fat, but it also has a lot of protein in it. A two-tablespoon serving of this creamy nut butter provides 8 grams of protein. Natural peanut butter is better than artificial peanut butter because the latter has unwanted fats and oils. Also, studies have shown that people who include peanuts and peanut butter in their diets are less likely to develop certain chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.


affordable foods that are rich in nutrients

Beans are budget-friendly, in addition to being very nutritious. Different types of beans vary in price, but you can generally find them for less than Rs.50 for a kg! One cup (172 grams) of black beans also contains over 15 grams of protein. Beans are high in low-fat protein, packed with fibre, and contain a host of nutrients and phytonutrients, the combination of which may help guard against diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some cancers while also building and repairing muscle.


affordable foods that are rich in nutrients

Milk is very healthy and affordable, costing a little under Rs.50 per litre. Milk comes in many fat percentages and is widely available, making it a convenient protein choice. One cup (244 grams) of whole milk contains over 8 grams of highly absorbable protein, along with loads of vitamins and minerals. Consuming milk and other dairy products regularly may help prevent several chronic diseases, including osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, dementia and certain cancers

Bring on the skincare treatment with these DIYs for all


Stuck in shutdown: Bring on the skincare treatment with these DIYs for all

This year is probably going to be if not the worst, at least the most boring year. Stuck at your home with nowhere to go, it feels like our freedom has diminished. Even though there are times when I haven’t left my house for days, the thought that I can if I want, was liberating. It’s all in your head they say, and they (whoever ‘they’ are) can’t be wrong.

As we fight the COVID-19 pandemic outside, most of us are battling mental health issues, stress, and anxiety inside. The paranoia which has gripped the world, although it is valid, has reduced our lives to a caged animal-like scenario, constantly waiting for the situation to improve.

While there are many negatives to this situation, I believe in seeing the silver lining. It just makes me feel better and more positive. All the times when one complained about lack of time, now we have all the time in the world. Yes, you are working from home and probably more so. But there is no denying that since outdoor activities are banned, you have the time to work inwards. By inwards, I mean, on yourself. 

Catch up on the books you always wanted to read, get going with some spring cleaning, binge-watch all the movies on your watchlist or pamper yourself with DYI face masks, facials or hair masks. Take care of yourself, both mentally and physically. It’s pivotal. 

To help you get going, your friendly neighbourhood survey man, as promised, is back with our part two of skincare DIYs treatments.

Rice water:

Bring on the skincare treatment with these DIYs for all

Yea, rice water, the one we easily throw off after washing the rice is liquid excelsior for your hair and skin.  An ancient Chinese tribe in the village of Huangluo is called the ‘Long Hair Village’. The Yao women in this region have Rapunzel-like hair which is long, shiny, black, and beautiful. And their secret—rice water.

Loaded with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids for skin and inositol, a carbohydrate that helps strengthen your hair and reduces surface friction, rice water is a game-changer when it comes to beauty regimes.

Procedure: Take a cup of rice, and rinse the rice to remove any dirt or impurities. Then take the rinsed rice in a container, add two or three cups of water, give it a good mix and let it rest for half an hour to one hour. Next, strain the rice and pour the fresh rice water into an airtight container or spray bottle, and you are good to go for one week. Make sure you keep the rice water in the fridge and yes, cook the rice. 

Tada. Now you have homemade rice water cleanser, toner, and hair rinser. If you are running out of stock due to the lockdown or panic buying, give this century-old remedy a try, and we are sure you won’t be disappointed.

Sidenote: You can also ferment the rice water for added benefits. After you strain the rice, keep the rice water in a bowl for a day or two and then when it goes a little sour, pour it into a bottle and use it for up to a week.

Tomato sugar:

Bring on the skincare treatment with these DIYs for all

Exfoliate. Heard this a million times, but after washing your face, you get too lazy to scrub it. But scrubbing your face plays a vital role in getting clear, smooth skin. It gets rid of dead skin and lets your skin breathe. 

While there are many products which claim to work miracles on your skin, homemade scrubs are a safer and more affordable alternative. One of the famous homemade facial scrubs is the Tomato-Sugar scrub. 

Tomato is a good source of antioxidants and is known for its astringent properties. An abundant source of vitamin A and lycopene—the latter of which, calms inflamed skin and protects it from free-radical damage. Sugar, a rich source for alpha-hydroxy acids combined with its granular structure, is an excellent exfoliate. 

Procedure: Wash your face and let it dry naturally. Meanwhile cut a tomato into two halves and spread a spoonful of sugar on a plate. Next, take the tomato and dip the inside part of the tomato in the sugar spread.

Bring on the skincare treatment with these DIYs for all

Now, gently scrub your face starting from the forehead and concentrating more on the T-zone of your face. Do this in a circular motion for about five minutes and let it rest for five more minutes. Finally, wash off with water and pat dry. You can follow with your favourite moisturiser for smooth skin.

Sidenote: Tomatoes are acidic and may irritate sensitive skin. Also, use soft and small sugar crystals, and exfoliate very gently. Your facial skin is thinner than the rest of your body so, please don’t scrub it like a stained dish.

Take away

We know the lockdown, and the situation is hard. It’s unpredictable when the pandemic will subdue, and when we will get on with our lives as in the old days. However, until then, all we can do is stay home and stay safe and do what we can. In this case, take care of yourself. And it stands true for everyone—women and men.

Bring on the skincare treatment with these DIYs for all

It’s an excellent opportunity to try the beauty hacks mentioned above and to see if they will work for you or not. With more than 10-15 days at home, you can try these DIYs along with the ones mentioned in our part-one blog. The ingredients are readily available and it's a comfy substitute for the expensive spas and facial treatments, which, unfortunately, are closed now.  Maybe when all this is over and when the world gets back to normal, you will be proud that you made the lockdown count.


How I Survived an Awkward Family Dinner with My Humor Intact

  The battle began at the Myrtle Beach Costco. I was steering a shopping cart with enough food to stock a doomsday bunker when I spotted a b...