Thursday 30 June 2022

Bring on the skincare treatment with these DIYs for all


Stuck in shutdown: Bring on the skincare treatment with these DIYs for all

This year is probably going to be if not the worst, at least the most boring year. Stuck at your home with nowhere to go, it feels like our freedom has diminished. Even though there are times when I haven’t left my house for days, the thought that I can if I want, was liberating. It’s all in your head they say, and they (whoever ‘they’ are) can’t be wrong.

As we fight the COVID-19 pandemic outside, most of us are battling mental health issues, stress, and anxiety inside. The paranoia which has gripped the world, although it is valid, has reduced our lives to a caged animal-like scenario, constantly waiting for the situation to improve.

While there are many negatives to this situation, I believe in seeing the silver lining. It just makes me feel better and more positive. All the times when one complained about lack of time, now we have all the time in the world. Yes, you are working from home and probably more so. But there is no denying that since outdoor activities are banned, you have the time to work inwards. By inwards, I mean, on yourself. 

Catch up on the books you always wanted to read, get going with some spring cleaning, binge-watch all the movies on your watchlist or pamper yourself with DYI face masks, facials or hair masks. Take care of yourself, both mentally and physically. It’s pivotal. 

To help you get going, your friendly neighbourhood survey man, as promised, is back with our part two of skincare DIYs treatments.

Rice water:

Bring on the skincare treatment with these DIYs for all

Yea, rice water, the one we easily throw off after washing the rice is liquid excelsior for your hair and skin.  An ancient Chinese tribe in the village of Huangluo is called the ‘Long Hair Village’. The Yao women in this region have Rapunzel-like hair which is long, shiny, black, and beautiful. And their secret—rice water.

Loaded with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids for skin and inositol, a carbohydrate that helps strengthen your hair and reduces surface friction, rice water is a game-changer when it comes to beauty regimes.

Procedure: Take a cup of rice, and rinse the rice to remove any dirt or impurities. Then take the rinsed rice in a container, add two or three cups of water, give it a good mix and let it rest for half an hour to one hour. Next, strain the rice and pour the fresh rice water into an airtight container or spray bottle, and you are good to go for one week. Make sure you keep the rice water in the fridge and yes, cook the rice. 

Tada. Now you have homemade rice water cleanser, toner, and hair rinser. If you are running out of stock due to the lockdown or panic buying, give this century-old remedy a try, and we are sure you won’t be disappointed.

Sidenote: You can also ferment the rice water for added benefits. After you strain the rice, keep the rice water in a bowl for a day or two and then when it goes a little sour, pour it into a bottle and use it for up to a week.

Tomato sugar:

Bring on the skincare treatment with these DIYs for all

Exfoliate. Heard this a million times, but after washing your face, you get too lazy to scrub it. But scrubbing your face plays a vital role in getting clear, smooth skin. It gets rid of dead skin and lets your skin breathe. 

While there are many products which claim to work miracles on your skin, homemade scrubs are a safer and more affordable alternative. One of the famous homemade facial scrubs is the Tomato-Sugar scrub. 

Tomato is a good source of antioxidants and is known for its astringent properties. An abundant source of vitamin A and lycopene—the latter of which, calms inflamed skin and protects it from free-radical damage. Sugar, a rich source for alpha-hydroxy acids combined with its granular structure, is an excellent exfoliate. 

Procedure: Wash your face and let it dry naturally. Meanwhile cut a tomato into two halves and spread a spoonful of sugar on a plate. Next, take the tomato and dip the inside part of the tomato in the sugar spread.

Bring on the skincare treatment with these DIYs for all

Now, gently scrub your face starting from the forehead and concentrating more on the T-zone of your face. Do this in a circular motion for about five minutes and let it rest for five more minutes. Finally, wash off with water and pat dry. You can follow with your favourite moisturiser for smooth skin.

Sidenote: Tomatoes are acidic and may irritate sensitive skin. Also, use soft and small sugar crystals, and exfoliate very gently. Your facial skin is thinner than the rest of your body so, please don’t scrub it like a stained dish.

Take away

We know the lockdown, and the situation is hard. It’s unpredictable when the pandemic will subdue, and when we will get on with our lives as in the old days. However, until then, all we can do is stay home and stay safe and do what we can. In this case, take care of yourself. And it stands true for everyone—women and men.

Bring on the skincare treatment with these DIYs for all

It’s an excellent opportunity to try the beauty hacks mentioned above and to see if they will work for you or not. With more than 10-15 days at home, you can try these DIYs along with the ones mentioned in our part-one blog. The ingredients are readily available and it's a comfy substitute for the expensive spas and facial treatments, which, unfortunately, are closed now.  Maybe when all this is over and when the world gets back to normal, you will be proud that you made the lockdown count.

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