Monday 13 June 2022

What’s missing to your blogging and content marketing - and it is crucial


blogging and content marketing

Since blogging is really a form of content marketing, this course is not "just" about content marketing. It is also about blogging.

Following this article will help you as a blogger as much as it will help you as a content marketer.

Let's dive right into our first lesson about content marketing:

One of the most dangerous things I have heard when it comes to content marketing is “The best content will win.”

People focus on creating better and more content and when results don’t come in they try to create better and even more content.

And then results for this awesome content still don’t show no matter how much time and effort and maybe even money went into it.

That is heading straight towards frustration.

Because content marketing or blogging for a business is never “just” about creating great content.

The thing is: If you get everything else in place that is part of content marketing, you do not need that much content and you can make it to success with content that serves your audience - not necessarily the best content out there.

Do you see the difference?

If you have a content marketing strategy, clear goals and a plan for how to get there, you can act and create exactly the content that will get you there.

What most people do when they say they start blogging or content marketing is they start creating content and only when results don’t show they start asking why they fail and what they should do.

I know what I am talking about. I have been active in content marketing for near to 10 years now. I have tried the not-so-targeted content creation approach and have seen the change when I finally made a plan for my content marketing.

Since then, I taught many customers how to find success through a strategic content marketing approach.

So what is it that you are lacking if content creation is your content marketing strategy?

1. Set goals

What do you want to achieve with your content marketing efforts? And how can you measure if you are getting there? If you don't know WHY you are doing it you will fail.

2. Who is your target audience?

Only if you know who you want to reach you can decide where to find them and which content is of interest to them.

3. What content will speak to your audience?

For whom will you produce what kind of content? Why and how is your content speaking to your target audience?

Yes, I know that some content forms are more popular than others. But this decision should still be made with your target group in mind.

4. What is the relation between your content and your sales funnel.

In the end, you want to sell something. Not all content is going to get you there.

Need an example? If I want to sell a Twitter Marketing Course, content about Pinterest marketing may not be the best to do it - even though it may align with all other aspects of my content marketing strategy.

5. Plan your distribution.

Without distribution, all your content marketing efforts are bound to fail.

Don’t try to get your content into every distribution channel you can think of.

Focus on 2 or 3 channels but get your distribution right in these channels.

The focus will give you far better results with far less effort.

6. Find a schedule.

Don’t plan on creating one post every day if that means you have no time for distribution. Make sure you define a schedule that you can stick to and that leaves time for all the other tasks - and life.

7. Measure and optimize.

Nothing is set in stone. Be prepared to adjust, tweak and optimize. Don’t follow a plan that does not work just because you made it.

8. Stay on it.

The crucial part. Many bloggers give up far too early.

You cannot see big results after 10 blog posts if you are still trying hard to figure out how to grow your audience and neglected your distribution.

Content marketing is always about building: building a reputation, building an audience and building trust.

The above 8 steps may seem like a lot of work - but you do it once. And then you can follow a targeted approach. And you will see results far quicker than if you start throwing out content piece after content piece and barely have time to take a look at your distribution strategy.

Do you still feel that you need to concentrate on creating better, shinier content?

What if you have the best content you can ever create? And what if your target audience just is not interested in it?

Or if your audience never sees the outstanding content that you created because your distribution failed?

What if you have that outstanding content and you even manage to get some readers to it - and then it never converts any customers?

Does it not make sense to focus on creating the right content that will help you build your brand and reputation and then focus on distributing this content to your target audience?

That is what I will give you next time: A list of things you have to do AFTER you created your content. A list that will become your routine for every piece of content. Just following this list for every piece of your content will tremendously increase your content marketing success!

Don’t forget the crucial steps in your content marketing. Your work is not done when you publish your content.

That is all for today's lesson. Stay tuned until tomorrow, when it is all about content promotion.


Sunday 12 June 2022

The Most Epic Places to visit in Ghana


The Most Epic Places to visit in Ghana

Amedzofe Peaks

Hiking in Ghana can be so much more fulfilling than just the regular trekking, cycling or planning regular routes. The landscape and contoured forestlands lead you to remote villages, sometimes with hidden cascading waterfalls and rarely documented wildlife. Check out our ultimate guide for everything you need to know.

coastal savannah

Get ready

What is more motivational than a beautiful variation of grasslands and forest trails during your hiking experience? Aside from the welcoming communities with diverse cultures and livelihoods inhabiting the best hiking spots, there are intriguing traditional sites and consolidated plantations that await you. So how do you get ready?

It’s simple. You might want to grab a bicycle, your locker, inflator and of course your helmet. Pack up some water, sunscreen and some money, since tourist sites sometimes come at a fee. Do you want to pack up some meals, make a fire or eat with families you come across on the way? The most important aspect of being ready is to be excited about your first Ghana hiking trip.

Accra Plains

Within Accra and its immediate outskirts, you’ll find hiking opportunities that are both enjoyable and fulfilling. The Shai Hills Resource Reserve covers a total area of 51 sq km (20 sq miles) and is made up of savannah plains with jutting hills. The reserve is home to some 175 bird species including stone partridges and ground hornbills. Mgmayem Festival, which happens around September/October, and Dipo (between March and May), are festive occasions worth seeing at Shai.

coastal savannah
Baboons are not shy at Shai Hills | © Rene Mayorga / Flickr
This coastal savannah reserve located on the edge of the city is well-known for its wildlife, including antelope, deer, rare bird species and the numerous baboons that line the roadside and interact with tourists. Further inland and requiring a gentle hike is the eerie cave system used by the Shai people until the end of the 19th century: strange tunnels, overhanging rock areas, massive blocks of stone and high lookout precipices were used as defences against other warring tribes, as well as British colonial forces.

Mount Osodoku is 428m (1,404 feet) high and has a 7 km (4.35 mile) hiking span which can be traversed in two and a half hours on foot, or in just over an hour by car. There’s also Mount Yongua – here, you’ll find diverse species interacting in the wild all year round. Be aware that Accra’s two rainy seasons are in March to May or June, and September/October.

Mount Osodoku

Volta’s Vaults

Aflalo Falls and Cave Trail in Hohoe bring you close to verdant Volta regional communities. The ancestral caves of Likpe Todome and six other spectacularly mountainside caves are beautifully scattered around the area. Other marvellous sights on this route include the rainforests surrounding the Leklebi villages, and the Mona monkey sanctuary at Tafi Atome between Hohoe and Ho.

The highest mountain in West Africa
Wli Waterfall hike | © Stig Nygaard / Flickr
The highest mountain in West Africa offers spectacular views of both Ghana and Togo from its summit, which is accessed through a dense forest and a four-hour climb, passing three levels of waterfalls along the way. Many visitors hike Afajato and Tagbo falls.

Ghana’s most geologically elevated settlement Amedzofe, peaks with rivers on its sides. The Oti Waterfalls flow right near the scenic Mount Gemi not far from the popular Wli. Hiking up to Wli upper falls (305m (1,000ft)) is every competent hiker’s dream. The Afadjato heights offer a stunning view of Volta Lake, Kpalime and Mount Kloto.

Eastern ease at Mt. Krobo

Eastern ease at Mt. Krobo

The 345m (1,132 foot) Mt. Krobo offers a hike distance of 4 km (2.5 miles); two hours on foot or a cycling distance of just over an hour. You can do an easy one-hour walk to the summit and rest, or take a break at the rocky plateau halfway up. Descend on the southern side of Mt. Krobo, where ruins of buildings and fortifications can be seen. You can also do a 14 km (8.7 miles) hike through the Accra plains to Stone Lodge.

Bunso Arboretum

Natural Feature

Bunso is a protected forest reserve, spanning 16.5 hectares. A semi-deciduous forest covers half of this area, while the other half is made up of indigenous trees (fruits, nuts and timber species). Bunso Arboretum Trail has a 17.84 km (11 miles) forest canopy walkway. It is not far from the rest point Lindador Restaurant & Rest Stop on the Accra-Kumasi road. There are several artisanal mining pits and cash crop farms in the area as well.

Up north, more bliss

Fancy completing a total distance of no less than 60km (37 miles) by bike? Or three hours of paddling on both Mole River and Black Volta River? Check out Mole National Park if so – the costs are averagely low for a safari experience, but the park is a wonder.

Mole National Park

Mole National Park
Meet the elephants of Mole | © Stig Nygaard / Flickr
Mole National Park is a major draw for nature lovers. Some 94 mammal species, over 300 bird species, 9 amphibian species and 33 reptile species have been recorded in Mole. The 4,912 sq km (1,897 sq mile) area is the largest reserve in Ghana, with savannah and forest space, and is home to elephants, buffalo, hippos, and leopards, as well as rare birds such as the white-backed vulture.

Mognori Eco Village is open at the Mole park boundary with canoe safaris and village ecotourism offers. Wechiau Community Hippo Sanctuary in Wa is approximately 164km (102 miles) from Mole. Join in paddling on the Black Volta River to see hippopotamuses and a wide variety of birds and botany.

Western warmth

The Ankasa and Amansuri conservation areas offer good hiking routes through protected habitats and coastal settlements. Nzulenzu stilt villages at Benyin draw you to Ghana’s neighbour, Ivory Coast. It’s also possible to trek or cycle here at Bia National Park and Akatekyi crocodile pond.

Ashanti golden trails

Ashanti golden trails

An ancient impact crater some 10.5 km (6.5 miles) in diameter created Lake Bosomtwi; a natural water body with 30-odd villages surrounding it. The 30km (18.6 miles) road from here to the southeast of Kumasi, the capital of Ashanti, works well for hiking. The nearby 55 sq km (21 sq miles) Bobiri forest reserve, as well as the butterfly sanctuary and the cocoa farm tours in the region, make for great sightseeing, especially from April to October.

The 3 Best Floor Exercises To Shrink Belly Fat Fast, Trainer Says

 fit man performing plank outdoors

When it comes to losing belly fat, it's important to focus on the basics: eating a healthy diet while in a calorie deficit, getting in regular cardio, and strength training at least 2 to 3 times per week. If you focus on these three things consistently, then you'll drop weight, shed fat, and reach your fitness goals. However, if you're already doing that, then you can also incorporate certain core exercises into your routine. Get excited, because we have the very best floor exercises to shrink belly fat that you'll want to check out ASAP.

When trying to get a flatter stomach and burn belly fat, many people make the mistake of doing endless sets of crunches, side bends, sit-ups, and weighted ab movements. The problem with doing weighted core work is that your abs can grow just like any other muscle group. Even if you get leaner and lose fat, your stomach can look "bulkier" because the abs have hypertrophied from all the training you've done. So today, we're going to focus on some super effective floor exercises that will produce results—no equipment required.

Nikki Metzger - Suspension Trainer Exercises

Without further ado, here are three of the best floor exercises to shrink belly fat that you can do as part of your ab routine. Check them out below, and next, be sure to read The 6 Best Exercises for Strong and Toned Arms in 2022, Trainer Says.


Supine Vacuum Pose

Supine Vacuum Pose
Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

Begin this exercise by lying flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Once you're in this position, exhale all of your air, and hollow out your stomach. Draw your belly button in towards your spine as much as you can. This will activate your transverse abdominis muscle. Hold this position for 15 seconds to start, then build yourself up to a longer hold, up to 60 seconds.

Related: The 10-Minute Daily Workout To Shrink Abdominal Fat Fast, Trainer Says


Hollow Body Hold

hollow body hold
Supine Vacuum Pose

Lay flat on your back with your arms extended over your head and feet straight out and together. Pressing your lower back to the floor, slightly curl up, lifting your legs and arms in the air. Your body should be in the shape of a banana. Hold for the prescribed amount of time.

Be sure to keep tension in your core at all times and try not to compensate with your lower back. You can regress the exercise by raising both your legs and arms higher until you get the strength to have it lower. Do the hollow body hold 3 times for 20 to 30 seconds each.


Reverse Crunch

reverse crunches
Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

Start this movement by lying down with your lower back flat on the floor. Keep your core tight, and raise your feet back towards your body, flexing your abs hard. Lower your legs slowly, maintaining tension in your core before performing another rep. Complete 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps.

For more…

man doing exercise with dumbbells outdoors along winter walk

For more fitness inspiration, be sure to check out Secret Exercise Tricks To Tone Sagging Arm Skin While Walking, Trainer Says and The Best Hula Hoop Exercises To Shrink Belly Fat next.


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