Thursday 14 July 2022

18 Signs You've Found Your Soulmate

18 Signs You've Found Your Soulmate

Love is the bomb. It's an amazing feeling to be so happy and so comfortable with a person, especially when those feelings are reciprocated. But, how do you know if your significant other is the one if they're...your soulmate? While many people don't believe in "soulmates," it is nice to think that there is someone out there (or a few people even) who is ideally matched for you. Wondering if your bae is the perfect match? Here are 18 signs that will help you know if you've found your true connection.
This content is imported from the poll. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, on their website.

1. You just know it.

No test will help you determine if you've found your soulmate or not. To figure it out, you just have to know it. You have to feel in your gut, that this person is the right one for you. I know it sounds silly, but when you get that feeling, you'll know what it means. You should feel energized by their presence, comfortable enough to completely open up, and just giddy with love. Of course, connections manifest themselves in different ways for everyone.

2. They're your best friend.

A friendship is the best foundation for any relationship, why do you think many rom coms are about two BFFs who get together? If you are in a trusting, positive friendship with your SO, that's an amazing sign!

3. You feel a sense of calm when around them.

You spend so much time with your significant other, so being with them should make you feel at home and at peace. Of course, there will probably be butterflies and nerves at first, but after you get comfortable with each other, it should just feel natural.

4. You have extreme empathy for them.

When they fail a test, you might as well have failed it, because, in a sense, you feel each other's feelings. Seeing them upset upsets you, ly, you share in each other's happiness. No one is more proud of their bae than you, and when they succeed, nothing makes you happier.

5. You respect each other.

A relationship is nothing without respect so if your SO doesn't admire you for who you are, they're probably not your soulmate. Your soulmate should regard your feelings and ideas, not write them off. They should appreciate and love you and always treat you well.

6. You balance each other out.

You don't have to be a replica of your SO to be soulmates. You two can have different temperaments, upbringings, and backgrounds and still be meant for each other. The important part comes when you see how you two, as very different people, come together. Does your chill nature compliment their anxious demeanour? Does your love for environmentalism match well with your interests in engineering? Basically, are they the ying to your yang?

7. You agree about the important things.

You may never be able to decide what TV show to watch together or what toppings to get on the pizza, but when it comes to the important things in life, you're totally on the same page.

8. You share the same life goals.

Speaking of the important things...when it comes to life goals, you guys have similar plans. I'm not saying you both want the same career or you want to go to the same college. I'm saying you both agree on where you want to end up after school or whether or not you want to start a family. Obviously, there will be disagreements, but you guys agree on the big stuff. That's a pretty good predictor for long-term happiness with your SO.

9. You challenge each other.

Your soulmate should bring out the best in you, and that means pushing you a little to become the best you can be. Yes, you should admire and respect your bae and who they are, but you should also motivate them to reach their goals, to try a little harder when they need a nudge, and aid with their personal development. Relationships are all about growth and soulmates help each other grow together.

10. You can totally be yourself.

There's no faking it when it comes to your soulmate. You can be totally yourself around them and you know they'll love you for you. You share your guilty pleasures, your weird quirks, your deepest secrets, and you know it will just make them love you more.

11. You fight for the relationship.

Relationships aren't always easy, even between soulmates, but you two work hard for your relationship. This often means compromising, working on yourself, or talking through issues. Maybe your jealousy has become a problem so you talk to a therapist about it. Or they quit smoking because it's important to you. The fact that you two are showing that you're willing to take these steps is a sign of you're soulmates.

12. You understand each other's emotional languages.

If you don't know what your love language is, stop right now and take the quiz. Basically, there are five different love languages AKA how you experience love. Maybe, your love language is Words of Affirmation, so it means so much to you when your SO tells you how much they love you. On the other hand, their love language might be Physical Touch, so they like to show their love with cuddles. There could be a disconnect if you don't feel as loved because you're not hearing it 24/7. You can totally be with someone who has a different love language than you, you just need to understand the ways that you both express love and what to expect from each other.

13. You're each other's biggest fans.

Your SO should be rooting for you constantly and vice versa. Their wins are your wins meaning when they hear big news, you're just as excited as they are. If just seeing your bae happy makes you happy, that's something special.

14. You feel each other's pain.

On the other hand, when something not so great happens to your SO, you're just as sad. If they get rejected from their dream school, you may as well have gotten rejected too. You want the best for your bae, so if they get bad news, you feel it just as much.

15. There's intense chemistry.

Of course, the physical aspect of a relationship is important and with you and your SO, it's definitely there. Sometimes you feel like you can't keep your hands off each other, but you're also very respectful of each other's boundaries.

16. You're there for each other.

Yes, being in a relationship is a lot of fun, but soulmates are there in good times and in bad, meaning when you're going through something tough, you know you can count on your SO to be there with you through it all.

17. You're secure in the relationship.

It's totally normal to get jealous, but you should have 100% trust in your soulmate. No one will get in between you two so your bae can go off and hang with friends, maybe go to a party you have to miss, and you know nothing will happen.

18. You just want to be around each other.

You don't always feel the need to plan elaborate dates (though you do that too), just being around each other is the best. You can sit in silence and just feel each other's presence and it lifts you up.

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